Get Rid Of Belly Bloat With These 12 Tips

Bloating is a problem most women have to deal with. While most of the bloating appears during the red-letter days of the month, some suffer from it all year round. Whether you feel that your jeans just shrunk or your belly did expand, no one wants a bloated belly. Here are some easy ways you could banish the bloat for a healthy and sexy-looking you.

Ditch the sodium

You might enjoy your chips, instant noodles and other processed food but these are all filled with salt. When your body gets too much unhealthy sodium it doesn’t need, water is retained, leaving you with a slightly puffy and bigger appearance and with a sluggish feeling. If you want to reduce the bloat, skip the salt and look for other fresh spices to add flavor to your food. Avoid processed and microwaveable meals, as these are also high in sodium content.

Replace your starch consumption

Some starch in the food contributes to bloating as the complex carbohydrates produce gas when it gets digested in the stomach. Starch from corn, pasta, wheat and potatoes are the main culprits for this. To get rid of that bloated feeling, replace these starches with brown rice, which is high in fiber.

Say goodbye to spicy food

If you love your Tabasco and Sriracha, then maybe it’s time to ditch them altogether to get rid of that bloated feeling. Stomah acid are released when your tummy digest spicy food, which causes irritation and causes your belly to balloon up fast.

Check if you are lactose intolerant

Not a lot of people are aware that lactose intolerance could cause belly bloat. Some people cannot process dairy, which leaves them feeling gassy and crampy after drinking milk or eating ice cream. If you think you are lactose intolerant, ditch the dairy and switch to lactose-free products such as soy milk, cheese and yogurt.

Drink Green Tea

Tea is a natural diuretic so it would encourage you to make more trips to the toilet as you get rid of stored water in your body. Green tea is also proven to help boost metabolism, which is a good way to burn more calories and helps you keep in shape and looking slim.

Eat Potassium-Rich Foods

The minions in “Despicable Me” were on to something when they decided they loved banana. This fruit is just among the few that are high in potassium content and useful in reducing bloat. The asparagine amino acid helps the body as a natural diuretic and leads it to flush out excess water retained in your system.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Canned soda and juices have carbon dioxide gas to keep it fizzy. This ingredient is the culprit in making your tummy stand out after you’ve downed a bottle of cola. Replace these with water instead for a healthier and more refreshing drink.

Limit Sugar Alternatives

Some sugar substitutes are high in sorbitol, which causes bloating, gas and diarrhea. Instead of using these alternatives, use sugar instead or replace it with honey to for a natural sweetener.

Chew your food thoroughly

How many times have you rushed into your bites because the food is so good, you can’t wait to have more. However, that is actually counterproductive as rushing your food and forgetting to chew them properly lessens the amount of acid your stomach produces to properly digest food In turn, bacterial gas are formed in your stomach, causing you to feel bloated.

Increase vegetables, fruits and fiber intake slowly

Yes, fiber, veggies and fruits are all essential in having a balanced diet and ensuring that your body gets its much needed nutrients. However, increasing your intake of these rapidly could cause you more harm as your digestive system struggle to adjust to the new diet. This could cause bacterial gas to form and it could lead to bloating and a gassy feeling.


Walking for at least 15 minutes daily is enough to get your intestines moving. Make sure that you workout for at least 30 minutes a day to help your digestive tract function properly and keep you off from bloating.

Eat small meals

People who tend to overeat on meals tend to feel bloated and gassy after. To avoid this, simply eat more smaller meals.

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