Here’s What Your Finger Length Reveals About Your Personality

Would you have thought that you could learn something about your personality from your fingers? This is what your finger length reveals about your personality.

Research suggests that the length of your ring finger can reveal the amount of exposure you’ve had to testosterone, when you are a fetus in the womb. That has a huge effect on the behavior and makes you susceptible to diseases. People with shorter index fingers are usually more aggressive and have a willingness to take risks. The length of your fingers can also predict the likeliness of you developing diseases.

A): Having a longer ring finger than the index finger means you’re charming, which others will find irresistible. They are beautiful in appearance, and a bit more aggressive. They are more willing to take risks and they usually belong to these professions: chess player, engineer, soldier, scientists, or crossword puzzle master.

B): People who have shorter ring fingers are usually full of themselves and self-confident. They appreciated and accept attention, but they also like to be alone during free time and enjoy solitude. These people are not usually the first ones to make a first step in a relationship. According to research, when a man’s index finger is longer than his ring finger, his risk of developing prostate cancer is lowered. Having a long index finger means a lowered risk of heart diseases, but a higher risk of breast cancer and greater fertility in women.

C): If the ring and index finger are the same length, they tend to avoid confrontations. They get uncomfortable if in a conflict and are a peace and loving kind of person. They are very caring towards their partner, full of tenderness and are faithful in relationships.

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