Koreans Got it Right: Why Kimchi is Great for Your Health

Call it kimchee, gimchi, or kimchi, there’s a reason why this fermented probiotic food is a staple side dish in Korea. There are plenty of ways to make kimchi, but it has a signature taste. Common ingredients include:

    Red chili paste
    Napa cabbage
    Red pepper powder

Today, kimchi is considered the national dish in Korea. If you haven’t tried this food before, but you like fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, you will probably adore kimchi as well. Aside from the popular spicy taste, it actually contains a ton of benefits for the body:

1. Digestion: Kimchi is excellent in promoting digestion because of the probiotics it has, which are actually a result of the fermentation process. When fermented, kimchi’s taste is enhanced, but that’s not just it. Fermentation also creates good bacteria known as lactobacillus, which is needed by the body to maintain a healthy state of the gut flora.

2. Detoxification: The main ingredient in kimchi is cabbage, which is quite recognized for its detoxification qualities. Eating kimchi can help get rid of toxins and wastes from the body. A cleaner system stimulates better absorption of nutrients.

3. Bowel Movement: Kimchi is rich in fiber, which assists in healthy bowel movements. Regular consumption of kimchi can help inhibit constipation.

4. Cholesterol Levels: Eating kimchi can have a beneficial effect on your cholesterol. This Korean food contains a lot of healthy spices, including garlic, which has allicin and selenium. Allicin is a component that is known for its cholesterol-lowering capability. Regularly eating kimchi can help reduce cardiac disorders, including heart attacks and strokes. On the other hand, selenium protects your artery walls by preventing plaque buildup and reducing development of disorders, including atherosclerosis.

5. Anti-Oxidative Damage: Kimchi also has antioxidants that naturally scavenge the body to get rid of free radicals. The notable antioxidants present in the food are flavonoids and phenols, which protect the body against oxidative stress.

6. Skin Health: The bacteria found in kimchi are not only beneficial to the gut, but also to the skin. Lactobacillus bacteria can help prevent skin problems, most especially atopic dermatitis, which results to increased immunoglobulin E. Skin lesions like hemorrhage and edema can also be prevented with the help of eating kimchi.

This high-fiber, low-fat food has upgraded itself from being just a side dish to a meal in Korea. In many other parts of the world, it is included in soups, salads, and sandwiches. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, kimchi is definitely earning its spot as a superfood.

source : http://www.stethnews.com

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