How To DIY the Master Cleanse And Survive It

One of the diet fads and detoxification trends that became a hit in the past years is the Lemonade Diet, which is famously known as the Master Cleanse. It was first introduced in the 1940s by Stanley Burroughs, a naturopathic doctor, to cure stomach ulcers. Burroughs was one of the people who treated illnesses with natural products such as herbal medicines.

Burroughs started the cleanse, as he believed that toxins are the major cause of illnesses and diseases in the body. The Master Cleanse was introduced as a way to rid the body of these unnecessary and unwanted waste so that it could start its healing process.

According to the naturopathic practitioner, illnesses are caused by one’s lack of exercise, negative outlook in life and improper diet. All these combined cause toxins to accumulate in the body that destroys its balance and healthy functions.

The diet is meant to rid the body of the toxins by allowing the concoction to flush away the waste found in the intestines and other parts of the body.

The detoxification is done through an all-liquid based diet with the use of a unique lemonade recipe. The three main ingredients are lemons, cayenne pepper and maple syrup.

The detox would consist of one person consuming this unique lemonade concoction for 10 days up to a maximum of 14 days. One would drink a diuretic at night time and a laxative drink in the morning. No solid food must be eaten during the whole cleanse while one could drink as much water as he wants.

The Master Cleanse is divided into three parts. First, is easing into the diet. Second is the actual lemonade detox and third is the gradual return to eating solid food.

Some people opt to skip the first part and go right ahead into the lemonade detox. While that could be done, especially if you eat a good and balanced vegetarian diet, it may not be the best idea if you consume three complete meals that include lots of meat as your body would need to be able to adjust just partaking liquid in the next few days.

For the next ten days, begin your day with a saltwater drink to prepare your stomach for the cleanse. Mix 2 tsp. of salt with 1 qt. of filtered water and drink it first thing every morning before you partake of any other liquid. For the lemonade fast, mix 2 tbsp. of fresh lemonade juice with 2 tbsp. of maple syrup and 1/10 tsp. of cayenne pepper to 8 oz. of water. Shake the mixture and drink. Make sure you drink this mixture at least 3 times a day up to a maximum of 12. Drink water in between.

At night, before hitting the sack, drink one cup of diuretic tea to help you flush away the toxins as you pee.

According to those who’ve tried the cleanse, the detox is a great way to rid the digestive system of any waste as the liquid allows it to rest from processing food.

Because it only entails consuming liquids, some people have lost weight during the entire time of the cleanse.

Once the 10 days are over, slowly introduce solid food into your body by eating only soft food such as fruits, vegetables and soup.

It must be noted that this cleanse, while it aids in losing weight is not a good long-term solution for that concern. An active lifestyle and healthy diet is still your best bet for lasting results of weight loss.

As a detox, it may be a good idea to try although best to still consult your doctor before you do.

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