Sadness vs Depression- The Real Score

Some time ago, I talked about the line between grieving and being depressed. I stated that the signs of being depressed, although similar to that of grieving, are still different. Common grieving isn’t a sickness, unlike depression.
This brings me to being sad. It’s not a sickness as well, and it’s not the same as being depressed. Part of being depressed has a very deep and very real sadness. Most think that these are the same thing when in truth, they are not.
To be sad is to be normal. To be like any other human being.
Everyone experiences being sad. It happens when something untowardly, something unpleasant occurs in our existence. It happens when a loss occurs. It happens when we experience disappointment. It takes place when people get divorced. It takes place when your date doesn’t show up or doesn’t return your messages. It takes place when you’re far away from your kids. Sadness takes place when everyday occurrences happen in a way that hurts you. It can take place regularly as we live from day to day.

But sadness isn’t forever. It’s not constant. It doesn’t stick to you like glue every single waking moment just like depression. Sadness can yield when happiness comes along. Depression cannot and will not. Being sad can be cut short by finding humor in something and laughing your heart out. Being depressed cannot be quelled by the funniest and most light-hearted things on the planet. Being sad may cause you to think of dark thoughts, but it is not enough to push an individual towards self-harm or suicide. Being sad may keep us from appreciating the happier things in life but it doesn’t destroy these things in our mind. Being sad may feel like an extended experience, longer than it usually is, yet it dissipates and never stays constant for days, or weeks, or months on end. Being sad doesn’t affect the body via drastic changes in one’s physique. It doesn’t cause the person to alter his or her sleeping patterns. It never involves psychosis.
Being depressed on the other hand, is way deeper and darker than how sadness can and will ever be. There is in all reality, no comparison between the two. There is pain in sadness and it sucks, but again, it is all about being human and it will end. Being depressed means to feel something worse than pain. It changes one’s life. It is not a normal occurrence. And more often than not, it requires medical treatment.
Being depressed is not normal, nor is it a human emotion.
We have to comprehend and we have to see the line that separates being sad from being depressed. Here we are faced with the fact that one is a sickness while the other isn’t. Depression is a real sickness. It is abnormal, just like cancer. Sadness isn’t. People who have dealt with patients know and can differentiate the two.
Depressed individuals are beyond being sad.
As I mentioned earlier, depression is like cancer. Think of the cells of the human body. It is a normal event in nature when our cells grow and multiply. But what isn’t normal is if they grow and multiply out of our control. That’s when it is diagnosed as cancer. Now, let’s take a look at depression. Human emotions are normal. Depression is what happens when we can longer control it. When we think of something with depression as a person is just sad, we are both ignoring the truth surrounding depression, and insulting the very condition the person is experiencing. It belittles the fact that this certain sickness kills people by the thousands each year.

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