The Top Eight Herbs You Need to Get Rid of Parasite Infestation

This may freak you out at first, but truth is you have parasites inside of you! Not just you, but almost one third of Americans are unfortunately housing parasites in their digestive systems.

This should not come as a surprise. Parasites are commonplace that you may realize. Hundreds, even thousands of parasites are all around us. Due to their abundance in our surroundings, we may not even be aware that ailments we are currently experiencing are because of parasite infestation.

Millions of people from around the world suffer from parasite infestation at least at one point in their lives. The invasion of parasites can have serious implications to health and wellness.

If you are unsure as to whether you are dealing with parasite infestation or otherwise, here are the top ten signs to watch out for:

    Easy fatigability
    Sudden depression
    Sudden development of iron-deficiency anemia
    Aching muscles and joints
    Teeth grinding while sleeping
    Sleeping difficulties such as insomnia
    History of poisoning and still experiencing digestive problems
    History of traveler’s diarrhea as a result of traveling abroad
    Sudden case of constipation, IBS, and gas

If you are currently suffering from any of these symptoms, there’s no reason to be alarmed. There are many natural ways on how to combat parasite infestation.

Here is a list of eight powerful herbs and food items that you can either use or consume to eliminate parasites in your body.

Kill Parasites with these 8 Natural Herbs and Foods


Garlic is one of the most powerful healing food items in your fridge. It is scientifically proven to fight against viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and even cancer. Research studies show that garlic is an excellent anti-parasitic compound  as evidenced by its ability to kill blood sucking parasites such as ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes. Essentially, if you are suffering from any ailment, eating some garlic will be highly beneficial.

How to use garlic:

There are many ways on how you can use garlic. You can put it in your smoothies for a healthier alternative.

    Black Walnut and Hull

The black walnut’s green hull and nuts boast the powerful function of getting rid of disease-causing microorganisms that invade the bloodstream.  The hull of black walnut is potent in getting rid of fungal infections. The juice extracted from green hulls on the other hand is effective in killing parasites. When treating parasite infestation, make sure to use green hulls only.

How to use black walnut and green hull:

Black walnut and hull are ideally used in tincture form and applied internally as per direction. These items are commonly found in internal cleansing products.


The herb, Artemisia asbinthium, is an herb that is ideal when treating parasitic infestation too. This small, yellow-green flower is potent if you’re suffering from digestive problem. It is the perfect, natural remedy to get rid of intestinal worms. This herb also contains antimicrobial properties, thus making it a very flexible treatment when treating other infections other than that caused by parasites.

How to use wormwood:

Wormwood can be found in many internal cleansing products. You may also use it as tea concoction simply by adding one teaspoon of hot water with wormwood infusion.


Essential oil extracted from cloves can easily dissolved the eggs that are left behind by worms in your intestinal tract. This is an all-natural herb proven to destroy all parasitic eggs. Cloves are best to be used in tandem with black walnut and wormwood. This is due to the fact that all three herbs eradicate parasites across different life cycles.  Research suggests that cloves have various healing properties that fight virus, bacteria, and fungus, thus it is considered as an extremely powerful herb.

How to use cloves:

Cloves is an all-around herb as it can be used in cooking not only savory items but sweet, baked goods too!


Thyme is an excellent choice when there is a need for thymus gland stimulation. The thymus gland is one of the major glands found in the immune system. It delivers the right amount of stimulation that in turn increases the body’s defenses against disease and ailments. Oil extracted from thyme not only controls the growth of parasites, but also kill them immediately while in the intestinal tract.

How to use thyme:

Thyme is ideally used dry or fresh and can be added as a seasoning herb along with other fresh herbs such as rosemary, oregano, and majoram among many others.

    Oregano Oil

The oil extracted from oregano is an extremely potent all-natural substance that you can use to get rid of many health problems, including that of parasitic infestation. It boasts high levels of antioxidants that kill free radicals right away. If you are suffering from virus, fungal, and bacterial infections, oregano oil is also useful in that it can reset the intestinal environment back to its normal condition.

How to use oregano oil:

Oregano can be used in various forms, such as tea, tincture, or in its essential oil form. Aside from being a common ingredient in a lot of internal cleansing products, high-quality, food-grade oregano oil can be sourced from reliable health food. Stores.

    Chinese Goldthread

Coptis chinensis or Goldthrea is one essential herb in traditional Chinese medicine. It is has been used for hundreds of years in the treatment of various infections, including those that are fungal, bacterial, protozoan, and viral in nature. It is a powerful herbal ingredient with amazing, broad-spectrum qualities.

How to use Chinese Goldthread:

You can make a simple tea infusion with Chinese Goldthread. They are commonly found in many Asian groceries and drugstores.

    Diatomaceous Earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth treats a wide variety of illnesses as it absorbs toxic substances and disease-causing microorganisms including E. coli, methyl mercury, organophosphate pesticide residues, and drugs to name a few. This herb can kill intestinal parasites in a short span of time while at the same time balancing out your intestinal flora too. It easily gets rid of toxins which may be causing your health serious harm. In addition, this wonderful herb is commonly used for intestinal cleanses due to its powerful healing properties.

How to use Diatomaceous Earth:

Diatomaceous Earth is indicated orally if used to treated parasitic infections. Ideally, start the treatment with this herb at 0.5 tsp and then working up to 2 tablespoons mixed with at least 4 ounces of water. Diatomaceous Earth should be taken with an empty stomach and should then be followed by high intake of water.

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