32 Year Old Father Cures Stage 3 Cancer With Cannabis Oil

At just the age of 32, David Hibbitt from England, was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer and told he had just 18 months to live.

David went the traditional route trying both chemo and and radiotherapy. His reasoning for trying the cannabis oil was simple;

"I felt like the chemo was killing me and I had nothing to lose... I could not really accept I was going to die."
David never thought that cannabis oil would do the trick. He heard about it through some friends and decided to give it a shot.

"I pay around £50 for a gram from a bloke I know who makes it,’ he said. ‘That lasts me about a month usually...It gets your pretty high and knocks you for six, but it’s nowhere near as bad as chemotherapy...The pain just seemed to disappear and it seems to have done the job."

This is yet another victory for alternative treatments which have been battling with the powerful, but corrupt, FDA for decades.

But he chose to carry on taking cannabis oil rather than have any more treatment, deciding against further chemotherapy sessions.
Following a scan in January he was given the all-clear – paving the way for him to organise his wedding.
Mr Hibbitt, who has a five-year-old son, Ashton, said: ‘We never thought this would happen, it’s great. Fingers crossed now I will grow old.
‘I feel really good and I hope my story will help other people.’
His fiance Heather, a nursery nurse, said: ‘I didn’t want him to take the cannabis oil at first because it’s illegal, but I saw the change in him and slowly got used to it.
‘He is a determined person and did a lot of research. He wanted to live.
‘We are all amazed how well he’s done. I can’t see my life without him. We have come through a hell of a lot.’
Cancer Research UK says it is unaware of people using extracts from cannabis to treat themselves and that there is “no good evidence” to support it as a safe and effective treatment for cancer. But maybe someday the world will come around and give cannabis the chance it so clearly deserves.
"I just want to make other people aware that there are other options out there."

Here's a video of his touching story:

source: http://www.viralalternativenews.com/

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