2 Best Cold Water Detox Recipes for Faster Weight Loss

Water is one of the best natural detoxifiers. It helps our body eliminate all the waste and toxic it has accumulated throughout the day. But when it comes to detoxing, is warm water always the best option? Or maybe there are occasions where cold water works best?

Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine both highlight the importance of temperature and its effects on the body. So, it seems that there are times where cold water detox is more appropriate than cold.

One example of that occasions is when you are water detoxing for the purpose of losing weight. Studies show that drinking cold water can boost metabolism and stimulate our body to burn an additional 70 calories per day. Another occasion where drinking cold water is ideal is when you are suffering from fever. The cool temperature helps your body to cool down and keep you hydrated.Cold Water Detox

And now, to boost that healing and weight loss benefits of water, give these cold water detox recipes a try:

Cucumber, Lemon, Orange and Mint Water

The ultimate belly slimming, anti-bloating and craving-control drink, this detox recipe is going to give you the result you want fast. The cucumber, besides its many anti-inflammatory properties, will help prevent water retention around your tummy area. While the lemon will help cleanse and clear your digestive system, the orange will help reduce your cholesterol levels, and the mint will help you digest food more easily and soothe any stomach cramp.

Preparation: Add 3-5 slices of cucumber, 1/2 sliced lemon, 1/4 sliced orange, and fresh mint leaves to 24 oz. of ice-cold water. Drink throughout the day.
Lemon, Strawberry, Apple, Mint and Cinnamon Water

Now, here’s a sweet, zesty and flavorful detox drink for you. This wonderful combination will help improve your circulation, control your blood sugar levels, keep your skin healthy, fight carcinogens, improve your digestion, get rid of stomach cramps, and relieve constipation.

Preparation: For 1-liter water, use 1 small sliced lemon, 1 sliced strawberry, 1/2 sliced apple, 5-10 mint leaves, and 1/4 tablespoon of cinnamon. Drink this to keep hydrated throughout the day.

Note: You may refill using the same fruits, but the more diluted the fruits get, the less nutrient-dense they become. So make sure to dump and replace fruits after 2-3 refills.

source : www.stethnews.com

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