Find Out How Keeping These Plants in Your Home Can Make You Healthier!

Do you have trouble sleeping from time to time? Then you will be glad to know that there are many existing plants out there that can help detoxify the air in your bedroom. What more, it can also help you to sleep better at night.

Also having houseplants is a nice way to bring the beauty of the outdoors inside while also adding a splash of color. Most importantly it helps act as natural air purifier and help you get that much needed sleep.

Benefits of Plants to Your Home:

    Better smell
    Cold/illness prevention
    Improved brain function
    Reduced stress
    Less anxiety

1. Aloe Vera Plant

Aloe vera plant contains a lot of healing properties. It is considered as one of the best air-improving plants by NASA because it is known to produce oxygen at night. High oxygen level help reduce insomnia and provide with better night sleep.

Aloe Vera can also be reproduced easily. You can place this plant all over your house to feel the difference.
2. English Ivy Plant

English Ivy is considered to be the one of the best air-purifying plant by NASA. It is very effective against breathing problems and asthma.

Putting this plant at your home, will help reduced airborne mold by up to 94%. Mold can cause allergies, asthma and other respiratory problems. That is why English Ivy can help with sleeping disorder.

Important Note:
English ivy plants are toxic if ingested. Choose a different plant in the bedroom if you have small children or pets who may accidentally ingest the leaves.

3. Gardenia Plant

Gardenias have a nice scent and white blooms, which have a sedative effect on those who inhale their fragrance. In study from 2010 Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf, it showed that gardenia was just as effective as valium in helping the brain and body to relax.

You can use this as an alternative to sleeping pills. Keep a gardenia plant on your bedside table to enhance relaxation in the bedroom, by using the therapeutic power of scent.
4. Jasmine Plant

Jasmine plant is an exotic plant which has an aroma proven to help against insomnia. It also helps improve productivity and alertness. All you have to do is to smell this plant to get rid of anxiety and stress.
5. Lavender Plant

Lavender plant has a scent that has a calming effect. A 2008 study conducted by researchers from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, found that the smell of lavender help in reducing stress, anxiety, slow heart rate, helps improve sleep and even calm the babies down.
6. Snake Plant

Snake plants can help filter the oxygen therefore improving the air quality. It also helps in avoiding eye irritation, headaches and breathing problems.
7. Valerian Plant

Valerian plant is considered to be one of the best herbs for insomnia. It is used as an anti-anxiety and sedative treatment. It is also a common ingredient in products which are promoted as mild sedatives and sleep aids for insomnia and nervous tension.


If you choose to add indoor plants to your home, you will have purer air and you can even reduce some of health conditions you have been suffering from for years.

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