10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Strawberries

Aside from their delicious flavour and juicy texture, the health benefits of strawberries make them that much more appealing. Nutrient-rich and packed with antioxidants, strawberries are one berry you’ll want in your fridge available all the time. Here are 10 amazing health benefits of strawberries that you wanna know:
Expectant Mothers Should Indulge Their Strawberry Cravings

Paying additional attention to nutrition during pregnancy is very important if you want to give birth to an absolutely healthy baby with strong predispositions for fast development. If you intake healthy doses of strawberries while you’re pregnant, you’ll enable your baby and you enough vitamins and minerals necessary for growth.
Strawberries Take Care of Your Eyesight & Help You Get Rid of Eye Bags

We already mentioned how powerful they are when it comes to fighting against heart disease, asthma and cancer, but their contents can also be used for aesthetic purposes. If you have a problem with dark eye bags, you should know that strawberries help you get rid of them – their anti-inflammatory effect and whitening power are the perfect combination. Besides, that concentration of vitamin C prevents eye disease like cataract from forming or ever appearing.
They Are a Delicious Desert with an Anti-Cancer Effect

It’s amazing how these small fruits have such an extraordinary effect on our bodies, isn’t it? The next time you want to make delicious homemade chocolate ice-cream, add at least a couple of strawberries on top – their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities can decrease tumor growth and prevent it from spreading further.

Strawberries Help Your Body Produce Happy Hormones

It’s a scientific fact that depression is caused by your mental state, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fight it with an intake of natural ingredients. So, next time you start feeling blue, try eating strawberries – their contents prevent homocysteine from forming in unhealthy amounts, and therefore enables the blood to deliver nutrients to your brain. Unhealthy amounts of homocysteine prevent glands in your body to produce happy hormones such as dopamine and serotonin, which obviously leads to feeling sad, and we don’t want that, do we?
Eat Strawberries & Fight Your Asthma & Allergies

If you’re getting tired of fighting your asthma or allergies with medicaments, maybe it’s time to try something different. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect strawberries have, if you intake them they’ll be able to help with all kinds of symptoms, such as a runny nose, hives and watery eyes. Various studies show that you can really decrease asthma incidence by changing your diet.
They Can Make Freckles Fade

As far as I’m concerned, freckles are beautiful and you shouldn’t try to make them disappear. But, the fact is, some people don’t find them attractive at all, and if you do want them gone, you should use strawberries instead of expensive creams or treatments. When combined with other ingredients, such as lemon juice, sour cream, papaya or butter milk, strawberries can naturally affect the color of the spots on your skin and fade them.
They Are Really Helpful with Acne Problems

However, if you spend about only half an hour on creating and applying a strawberry mask, you’ll also have a powerful acne and wrinkle fighter right by your side. Antioxidants in their contents work differently if you apply them on your skin directly instead of eating them, which makes this face mask absolutely perfect for summer, when Sun exposure is unavoidable.
Strawberries Slow Aging

We age because the cells in our body do, but this process can be slowed down. Because of the constant exposure to Sun and pollution, our skin is aging faster, but if you turn to nature and look for a solution there, you will be able to make some sort of balance. Strawberries are strong antioxidants, which are powerful fighters against free radicals that make you age faster. According to studies, you’ll be able to increase your antioxidants levels just half an hour after eating these delicious fruits.
They Reduce Risk of Heart Diseases

Heart disease is the number one killer momentarily, and it needs to be taken seriously. By eating right, you can significantly lower the chances of getting a heart attack, and strawberries should be a part of your new healthy diet. Ellagic acid helps control LDL, which is actually bad cholesterol, and strawberries are quite reach in this acid. Also, vitamin C helps a lot in strengthening your blood vessels and arteries, and strawberries are filled with it!
Strawberries Make Your Teeth Whiter

The next time you consider your teeth need a whitening treatment, maybe you shouldn’t waste your money and time on going to your dentist. Instead of that, you should simply enjoy some strawberries. Thanks to the strong concentration of vitamin C in their contents, they are able to breakdown that plaque which causes your teeth to turn yellow. By making a simple strawberry mixture, and by applying this treatment periodically, you can make a huge difference when it comes to the color of your teeth.

source : ideadigest.com

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