Smoothie for Stronger Knee Ligaments and Ache-free Joints

If you have joint pains and other symptoms of arthritis, you may want to try this smoothie. It is not only great-tasting, but also uses effective ingredients that can help you feel so much better.

When it comes to joints in the body, the knees are among the most important. They allow us to walk, stand, and jump. If you have strong and healthy knees, you can control your posture much easier.

As we grow older though, our knees suffer injuries, hits, and wounds. Over time, they become loose and damaged because the ligaments and tendons eventually become weaker and less flexible. Plus, the lubrication, which was enough when we were younger tend to be lost.

It is significant that we provide great care for our knees, so they remain strong and can still support the body despite our age. Thankfully, you don’t have to take a trip to the pharmacy or visit a doctor to help you with your knees and joints.

Smoothie for Stronger KneeHere’s a smoothie recipe that when consumed every day can give you stronger and rejuvenated knee ligaments and even gets rid of arthritis symptoms:


    Two cups of pineapple in chunks
    Seven grams of cinnamon
    One cup of instant oats
    40 grams of raw honey
    40 grams of almonds
    One cup of natural orange juice
    One cup of water

When all the ingredients are ready, here are the steps on how to make this smoothie:

1. Cook the instant oatmeal just like you normally would. Add hot water and let it cool for a bit.

2. Get the pineapple chunks next and squeeze them to get the juice.

3. You can start blending the raw honey, water, cinnamon, and almonds with the orange juice. To make it easier for you, you can crush the almonds first before you place it in the blender or you can buy crushed almonds in the store.

4. After blending the mentioned ingredients, add the pineapple juice along with the oatmeal in the blender while it is still processing.

5. When the desired texture is achieved, you can add ice cubes if you want. Make sure to blend the mixture once again.

The main reason why this smoothie is effective is because of bromelain, which is found in pineapples. Bromelain enzymes have been proven to successfully combat osteoarthritis in patients. Additionally, the vitamin C in the fruit is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce inflammation.

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