10 Best Anti-Allergy Super Foods

Allergens like sun exposure, pollen, fur, latex, food, insect bites, fibers, mold, certain medication and dust. If you are prone to getting the allergies, stock up on this allergy fighting super foods. Relieve symptoms and lessen allergy attacks by adding these foods in your diet.
Ten Anti-allergy Super Foods:

Turmeric is a known spice for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant contents. Adding a teaspoon or turmeric powder in your tea or cooking can help fight off allergic reactions. Consult a doctor about taking turmeric supplements.

Boost the immune system by eating an apple a day. Apples contain flavonoids that protect the body from allergens and limit the production of histamine. Add an apple to your oatmeal or eat organic apples in the morning for a quick pick-me-upper.

Another food that is filled with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Garlic can stop allergic reaction and inflammation in the body. Eat a clove of raw garlic in the morning to fight allergy and increase energy.

Lemons are rich in immune boosting vitamin C. Lemons are great for fighting of allergies due to its high content of antioxidant and vitamin C. Add lemon slices or lemon juice to your drinking water to detoxify the body and improve digestion.

Green Tea
Green tea packs a punch when it comes to health benefits. It can improve the immune system, boost the metabolism, detoxify the body and prevent allergy attacks. Consuming green tea daily can prevent allergic reactions; boost the effects of green tea by adding a dash of lemon or honey to your tea.

Salmon are one of the highest source omega 3 fatty acid. Omega 3 can fight off inflammation and lessen allergy symptoms. Salmon can also increase lung function. This is great for people who suffer from asthma attack or cold like allergy symptoms. Eat at least two portions of salmon or other high in Omega 3 fishes a week.

Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes contain potassium, vitamin B6, manganese and beta carotene. These components remove inflammation in the body and remove the symptoms of allergies. Eating at least a half cup of sweet potatoes regularly can boost the immune system and stop allergy attacks.

Ginger contains a lot of health benefits, it can increase digestion and balance out the pH levels in the body. It can also work as a great antihistamine. It removes mucus build up and relieves congestion. Boil ginger root or drink ginger tea to prevent allergies.

Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain omega 3 and selenium; these contents are known to prevent allergic reactions. Use a tablespoon of ground flaxseed on your yogurt and salads.

Collard Greens
Add collard greens to your diet during the allergy season, these greens contain carotenoids that lessen allergic reactions. It is also high in vitamin C and other nutrients. The darker the color of the collard greens the higher the carotenoid content. People who are taking blood thinners should avoid eating these greens due to the high vitamin K content.
Anti-Allergy Tips

• Wear sunscreen before going out.
• List down all your allergens or triggers.
• Wash your hands and face often.
• Limit contact with pets.
• Take a bath before going to sleep.
• Close windows and doors during allergy season.
• Use a humidifier.
• Dry your clothes inside rather than on a clothesline outside.
• Avoid freshly cut grass.

Allergies can affect the lungs, nose, ears, stomach, skin and other parts of the body. It can trigger minor itches to severe anaphylactic shocks. Keep in mind of your allergies and avoid getting in contact with allergens that can trigger attacks.

source : http://www.healthdigezt.com

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