We Have Been Eating Broccoli Wrong Our Whole Lives. Here’s How You Should Be Doing It.

Broccoli has been seen as the super food of all superfoods. But, you have been eating the wrong part this whole time.

Do you think that just the flower of the broccoli plant is edible? You are wrong if you think so because the leaves and the stems are healthier than the actual flowering part. Don’t be mistaken, the flower contains healthy nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, calcium, and magnesium. But, the stems and leaves are where you get all the plants beneficial nutrients.

The broccoli leaves contain 90 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A which is important for the immune system and vision. 30 grams of broccoli leaves contain 43 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C as well. Vitamin C has been proven to prevent cancer.

Broccoli leaves can be steamed, sautéed and even grilled in place of other greens and they have an earthy mild taste. Broccoli stems have a sweet flavor and are higher in fiber than the florets contain. While the florets contain more beta-carotene than stalks, the leaves are a the higher source of beta-carotene than either of them. If you choose the florets that are a dark green, bluish green, or purplish green color they contain higher concentrations of beta-carotene than the pale green or yellowish green ones.

You can peel and slice broccoli stalks to have yourself a sweet and crunchy snack. You can also try peeling the first layer off the stem and slice them into medium sized pieces to cook for 2-3 minutes before you add in the florets. You can also add the leaves in with the florets to get a great taste for you broccoli. So, stop throwing away the leaves and the stems, just mix everything together.


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