14 Super Foods for Acne Prone Skin

Acne is certainly one of the most searched about skin condition on any search engine, and is also the most common ailment of the skin that is encountered by every individual at some point in his/her life. People have numerous misconceptions about the causes of acne. Some claim that it is caused due to intake of oily foods and chocolates, while some others suggest that the dry skin is the root cause of this disorder. But, the actual facts that lie behind the acne are- hormonal changes in the body, eating habits, improper and ineffective care of the skin, etc. Acne is also caused when sebum (natural oil present in our body) is produced in excess by the sebaceous glands.

Here are some super foods that will not only help you in getting rid of acne, but will also keep other skin problems at bay.

1. Berries

All types of berries- strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants work great in protecting your body by fighting off free radicals effectively and efficiently. They help to prevent a number of diseases, such as cancer, heart diseases, acne, and are also known to have anti-aging effects. Having antioxidant-rich diet can assist you in getting a radiant, elastic, and smooth skin for a more beautiful you.

2. Coconut Oil

Undoubtedly, coconut has great benefits for your body and skin. Coconut oil is bliss for those suffering from acne and acne scars as it is one of the best natural remedies to get over the acne scars impeccably. Besides, coconut oil also contains medium fatty acids, and hence, it is effective in reversing the aging process to a great extent. Coconut oil is also a significant source of Lauric acid, which is a well-known anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and also anti-fungal. The blissful and calming oil of coconut is absolutely anti-inflammatory and prevents your skin from getting damaged by UV rays.

3. Green Leafy Vegetables

Green vegetables, such as spinach, collard greens, kale, chard, etc. contain a plethora of manganese. The consumption of these veggies leads to the formation of new collagen and also keeps your skin clear, supple, and elastic. Besides, green vegetables are also a rich source of vitamin A, which is quintessential in clearing up acne and other skin problems.

4. Avocados

It would not be erroneous to call avocados a complete food in treating a variety of disorders from skin to hair to the body. They don’t just work topically, but also treat and replenish your skin from deep within, making it beautiful as never before. Avocados contain a plethora of vitamin B, especially vitamin B3 (niacin), which is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to treat problems, such as rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc. Avocado is a significant source of vitamin A, D, B, and E, and all of them play a major role in replenishing your body cells.

5. Fish

Fish, particularly sardines, salmons, and herrings are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acid, which is excellent for your skin’s health. Omega-3 fatty acids make your skin moist, supple, and also enhance the thickness of the skin surface. Besides, they also help to decrease the levels of skin’s sensitivity towards the sun exposure.

6. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are also a great source of vitamin B, particularly riboflavin, which is very much essential for the overall well-being of your skin as it promotes repair and maintenance of the skin tissues. This vitamin also reduces the risk of development of acne or blemishes.

7. Kiwis

Like berries, kiwis contain a plethora of vitamin C and antioxidants that are responsible for rejuvenating your skin cells. Vitamin C is well known for boosting up collagen production and giving you a radiant and flawlessly beautiful skin. Collagen, which is produced by having vitamin C in your diet, is also responsible for making your skin firmer, thereby, reducing and reversing the effects of wrinkles and fine lines. So, make sure that you consume this fruitful fruit every day.

8. Chocolate

Many people must be wondering that why chocolate is a part of super foods to treat acne as it is most commonly believed that chocolate is the source responsible for popping up of acne. But, it is merely a myth and contradicting to this myth, the fact is that it basically plays a key role in treating acne significantly. Chocolates are rich in antioxidants and flavonols, and are also responsible for improving skin’s texture, smoothness, and elasticity. Besides, it also plays an important role in hydrating your skin.

9. Mangoes

Mangoes fall in the category of tropical fruits and contain high levels of vitamin A. Thus; mangoes are great for repairing your skin and improving its texture, making it smooth and supple. Vitamin A is known for keeping the skin well hydrated and moisturized. Besides, it also plays a key role in reversing the process of aging by reducing fine lines and visible wrinkles along with curing acne, liver spots, and preventing the skin cancer.

10. Almonds

Almond is one such nut that is ultra nourishing and performs a number of functions to keep your skin and body fit and healthy. Almonds contain vitamin E, which is responsible for keeping the body well moisturized, and also helps to improve the overall complexion. It protects the skin from UV damage and keeps acne at bay, if consumed regularly over a period of time.

11. Fennel

Fennel is one of the best natural cleansers. Improper digestion of food is one of the major causes for breakouts and fennel is excellent for digestion. It helps to reduce acne swelling and also plays a role in flushing harmful toxic materials out of the body.

12. Brown Rice

Brown rice is yet another super food that is an excellent source of vitamin B, which plays a major role in fighting off stress. Besides, it also contains a significant amount of proteins, magnesium, and antioxidants. Vitamin B plays an important role in regulating the hormone levels in the body, and thus, prevents breakouts.

13. Garlic

Garlic is one of the best known anti-inflammatory super foods. Garlic contains a naturally occurring chemical, called allicin, which helps to kill any harmful bacteria and viruses present in the body.

14. Broccoli

Broccoli is known to be the best skin cleansing food as it contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A, K, C, E, and B. It also has antioxidants that fight off free radicals present in the body, and thus, helps to enhance the luminosity of your skin.

source: homeremedy.com

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