Two Ways To Fight Flea Infestation In Your Dog and In Your Home

The fight against fleas and ticks might seem like the losing kind because as soon as you kill one, numerous others appear. But if you love your dogs and want what’s best for them, then it’s important that you take extra effort to keep these parasites from thriving.

However, the thing with fleas is that when one appears, expect more to be nearby, if not taking hostage of your pet then probably roaming around your home. And if they are in your house then sooner or later they would start crawling all over your things and perhaps on you too. The good thing is that there are natural and artificial ways for you to get rid of these fleas. Check them out below so you could start protecting your pets and your home from any infestation.
Treat Your Pets

Bathe Your Dogs Regularly

The first thing you could do to address a flea and tick problem is to give your dog a good bath, preferably with shampoo that contains anti-flea chemicals. The agent would kill small fleas in the process, which lessens the work you need to do to protect your pet.

Trim or Shave Your Pet’s Fur

Some fleas and ticks take residence in your dog’s thick fur, which allows them to go undetected for weeks. If you realize that an infestation has affected your pet, trim or completely shave your dog’s hair to fully reveal the extent of problem you have to deal with.

Give Oral And Topical Treatments To Your Pet

Topical treatments such as anti-flea powder and spray could be applied to your dogs to work on the parasites. However, there are times when the infestation is too bad that a stronger medication is needed to address it. There are different serums available such as Frontline, which is applied to your pet’s nape, which is then absorbed by the skin and into the bloodstream so that fleas and ticks who suck their blood gets killed. This type of medication has a more lasting effect and could eliminate fleas and ticks for as long as three months.

Meanwhile, there are oral tablets your dogs could take to also keep the parasites away. Just be sure to consult your veterinarian and use the proper dosage. Do not self-medicate. Also keep in mind that anti-flea oral medications for cats are not advisable to be given to dogs and vice versa as both animals have different nervous systems. Taking the meds not intended for their species could seriously affect their health or worse, prove to be fatal.

Wash And Get Rid of Infested Pet Things

Put your dog’s beddings and toys to the laundry to get rid of any ticks and fleas that might have hidden on it. In other situations, it would be best to get rid of your dog’s pillow and bed than to salvage it and risk another infestation from developing.

Keep Your Dog Away From Other Flea Source

After you have treated your dog, you might have to keep it inside and away from other canine to prevent fleas from transferring. You could also keep your pet inside your house for the meantime until you have treated your garden and your dog’s shed.
Treat Your Home

Disinfect Your House With Insecticide

Sometimes, when these parasites realize that their host has taken something to kill them, the fleas and ticks run away and hide in places such as wood, beddings, etc. until it could find another dog to reside at. You need to treat these hiding places with insecticide to fully get rid of them. There are sprays available in the hardware to help you out but for stronger dosages, you might have to evacuate your place for a whole day to let the chemical seep in.

Clean Your Furniture Inside To Prevent Hidden Infestations

Vaccum your carpets, sweep the floors and brush away any dust or nooks and crannies that could be a possible hideaway for these parasites. Leave no stone unturned to make sure that infestation won’t happen again. Mop the floors with a strong cleaning agent or even a bleaching solution to kill larvae and other hidden parasites on the cracks and holes all over your home.

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