Diseases Brought by Just Wearing the Wrong Shoe

Buying shoes is a fashion choice, but what may surprise you is that the right pair can be an important decision that can affect your health.

Whenever we take a step, we rely on our feet to support our body, which gives about three times our body weight. Therefore, it is more than necessary for our shoes to protect us.

Stylishness and trends should not be your main reasons for buying a pair of shoes. Consider comfort, size, and fit to avoid these health problems:
Too Tight or Too Short Shoes
1. Corns and Calluses

So you think this particular pair of shoes will make you look more appealing, but it does not come in your size. Nevertheless, you buy it even though they cause discomfort. Doing so can actually give you corns and calluses. The friction that your feet go through can build hard layers of skin just to provide your feet with protection.
2. Bunions

Some experts disagree that footwear contributes to bunions. But shoes that have narrow fronts can cause the bone at the bottom of your big toe to be pushed outward. If you have a bunion, the big toe looks slanted and is touching other toes.

3. Hammer Toes

Tight shoes can cause your toes to curl up. Because of that, they look like a claw – typically the second and middle toes are the most affected. This can be really painful and unfortunately, the joints can be dislocated permanently.
Sweaty Shoes

If you leave your socks wet from sweat, you could develop athlete’s foot. This can give you flakes and scales that are itchy and are contagious. Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection and affects the areas between your toes.
High Heels
1. Heel Pain

Always wearing high heels may up your self-confidence, but that doesn’t mean they are good for you. They can cause heel pain, especially if you’re not used to this kind of shoes. The underside of the heel bone may get calcified later on and can cause severe pain.

2. Metatarsalgia

This is also known as stone bruise and can affect the front part of your foot, which is also known as the metatarsal region. You will know you have this condition if the ball of the foot becomes inflamed and is sore.

One good way to know if your favorite shoes are giving you a problem is when someone touches them and they feel tender. Even a foot rub will not help you and this is a sign that there’s a pinched nerve. Go for shoes that provide the support you need and always buy a new pair if one of them looks worn out.

source : http://www.stethnews.com

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