This is the Number of Times You Should Pee to be Healthy

Urination frequency is an indicator of how hydrated your body is. Whether you’ve noticed that you pee more than other people or you can go without bathroom breaks for several hours, it is important you know how much you should pee in a day.

Of course, you can already guess there’s no specific number here, but the number of times you pee every day can tell you about your health.

Dr. Neil Grafstein, an OB-GYN as well as the Mount Sinai’s Hospital’s (NYC) assistant professor of urology, answered the essential questions about urine.
So How Often Should We Pee?

As mentioned, there’s no definite number of times for peeing, but average people tend to urinate at least four times a day with a maximum of seven times per day. If you pee more than seven times, don’t panic just yet. There are several factors that can influence your urination frequency, including your hydration and how you hydrate yourself.

For instance, if you drink too much water, you will pee more often. Additionally, if you drink alcohol, coffee, and other bladder irritants, expect to go to the bathroom more. There are also people who have sensitive bladders, which means they have the urge to pee at the slightest urge. Meanwhile, there are those who can hold their pee until their bladders are about to burst.
Is There Such a Thing as Too Often?

Unfortunately, there is. If you pee 11 times per day or more after drinking two liters of fluid, this could mean you have a problem with pee frequency. Oftentimes, too much peeing is due to an overactive bladder, which may be contracting more than necessary. This results to feeling the urge to pee a lot. But Dr. Grafstein says we can train our bladder. The condition is that we don’t have incontinence problems.
Other Pee Facts

Here are more things you should know about urine:

    Holding your pee isn’t bad, unless it becomes painful.

    Habitually holding your pee though can increase risk for infections of the bladder.

    Normal, healthy pee is see-through yellow color.

    Some foods can cause your urine to change color. For instance, rhubarb can change it to dark brown to black. Eating blackberries can change it to pink.

    Eating asparagus is healthy, but can cause your pee to be foul-smelling.

    Sweet-smelling urine is a sign of diabetes.

    Pee is actually 95% water.

    The average stream of pee is about seven seconds.

    Your pee stream becomes weaker as you grow older.

    You also pee more as you age.

Pee can also disrupt sleep. It helps if you monitor the amount of fluid you drink and avoid drinking before you go to bed. This way, you will be able to sleep without the urge to get up and pee.

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