Fatty Liver — Types, Symptoms, Treatment and Diet

Having fat in the liver is perfectly normal. However, it’s not right if there’s too much fat in the said organ. You have fatty liver disease if 5 to 10 percent of the total weight of your liver is comprised of fat. You can get it from too much consumption of alcohol. However, it may also develop even if you’re not a heavy alcohol drinker, and the cause of which is unknown. A pregnant woman may also suffer from fatty liver disease, but this regarded as a rare occurrence.

There are 2 kinds of fatty liver disease — alcoholic liver disease or ALD, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. Each one of them is caused by different factors. Also, they tend to come with varying symptoms. Having them managed is important in order to prevent complications. There is no specific treatment available for fatty liver disease. However, it is possible for fatty liver disease to be reversed naturally, such as through proper eating habits.

Alcoholic liver disease, just like what the name clearly implies, is brought about by the excessive consumption of alcohol. In fact, it’s something that may develop even after a short period of drinking a lot. Experts say that genetics may play a role in the development of this disease as it can have an effect whether or not you’re going to be an alcoholic. There are certain things that may increase your odds of having ALD. They include obesity, hepatitis C and excessive iron in the body.

On the other hand, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is due to factors other than excessive alcohol consumption. Actually, doctors are unsure as to why NAFLD develops. However, they are able to point out some risk factors. They include obesity, diabetes and having high cholesterol levels. Being middle age also puts you at risk of developing this disease. Experts say that malnutrition, rapid weight loss and autoimmune diseases are risk factors too.

It is possible for you to already have fatty liver disease and still don’t know about it. That’s because the disease affecting the liver does not usually cause any symptom especially during the early stages. As time passes by and the disease progresses, various symptoms tend to appear. Some of them include nausea, weakness, fatigue, and loss of weight and appetite. You may also have a hard time concentrating and making correct judgment.

As earlier mentioned, there is no treatment available for fatty liver disease. To have it put under control, some of the things that may be done include maintaining an ideal weight, managing blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and limiting or completely avoiding the intake of alcohol.

The diet is also a major role player when it comes to preventing the disease from progressing. In fact, eating the right food can help in having fatty liver disease reversed. Here are some diet recommendations for the disease:

• Stay away from refined carbohydrates. The best sources of energy that you should include in your diet are the likes of potatoes, legumes, corn and wild rice.

• Eliminate refined sugars. The consumption of foods and beverages containing refined sugars is bad for you if you have fatty liver disease. Eliminating refined sugars can help control insulin resistance and obesity too.

• Increase your intake of foods that are high in fiber. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts are all good sources of fiber. They can help you manage your sugar and cholesterol levels.

• Opt for healthy forms of fat. Not all fats are the same. The fact is including the healthy types can be beneficial for you. Some good examples of foods rich in healthy fats are fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and vegetable oils.

• Avoid bad fats. It’s easy to spot bad fats — they’re solid at room temperature. Some of the things you should limit include margarine, butter, cheese and high fat meats.

source : http://www.healthdigezt.com

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