Are You A Mosquito Magnet? Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others And an Easy Way To Avoid Bites

Are you a Mosquito Magnet? Why do mosquitoes bite some people more than others?

It’s summertime, and most of us spend time outdoors however that means that we share the possibility of getting a mosquito bite. Research shows that 1 in 5 people are targets for these blood suckers. Are you one of them?

There are 3000 species of mosquitoes, and an estimated 200 are found in the United States. They are all different, but they all can transfer disease.

It’s vital to take precautions to protect yourself from mosquito bites to save the trouble from the terrible itching that decrease your chances to catch diseases such as malaria, West Nile virus, dengue, yellow fever, and encephalitis.

The sad truth is that between 1 to 2 million people worldwide die every year from mosquito bites, the majority being from the malaria disease.
Scientists have found that most insects can detect special agents or chemicals that help defer them from biting. One special chemical is called DEET. It is improving to truly help stop mosquito biting. However, it does have harmful side effects that can cause a great health risk.

Mosquitoes can detect chemical compounds from roughly 50 yards away. The male mosquito does not come looking for blood however the females mosquitoes do they have a need for protein and iron in your blood, as this helps produce their eggs supply. They also can smell not only the chemical compounds, but body secretions and bacteria too.
Odds are the more you give off, the more you will be bitten. It is also true that the larger in body what you are, the more carbon dioxide you put off which makes you more appealing to the mosquitoes. How can we protect ourselves from them? Several ideas include tricking the mosquitoes into thinking that you stink!

If you’ve already been bitten then try using these natural and organic ways to treat the inflammation of a mosquito bite. These natural substances help soothe irritated skin and kill micro bacteria. They are:

Aloe Vera – this plant has over one hundred and thirty compounds that can seep into the skin including 34 amino acids. All of these are beneficial and also great for burns and minor cuts.

Calendula- It moisturizes rejuvenates and soothes.

Chamomile- the best term of all that helps with soothing. It is packed with bioflavonoids such as a pigeon, luteolin, and quercetin. These can be used in boiled tea for naturally in simply applied to the skin.

Cinnamon- For centuries it has been known for its fantastic smell and taste in cooking recipes however did you know that it has an antibacterial and anti-fungal properties as well?

Cucumbers- a great vegetable that helps in the reduction of swelling and puffiness.

Raw or Organic Honey – most honey is suggested, however, there is a specific top from New Zealand, called manuka honey that is made from bees that strictly feed upon flowers of the Manuka bushes also commonly known as the “tea tree.”

Lavender – just a cinnamon has a fantastic smell so does lavender. It is known for its calming and stress relieving sent but also great for mosquito bites as it has antimicrobial agents.

Neem Oil- when most older people think it helps protect you against antifungals such as ringworm, roundworm or Etc… however if it can help those then it may just help a common mosquito bite!

Basil- a great natural herb that will relieve itching. Try this by crushing up and apply directly to the bite.

Lemon and lime – Use this as a great way for limited and minimal outside mosquito repellent. Squeeze and apply directly.

Peppermint- Known for its fantastic Smell that also offers a cooling sensation for itching. You may apply this crushed in fresh or either from an essential oil.

Apple cider vinegar – you may cut down your risk of mosquitoes by simply adding this to your bath water and soaking for around 30 to 35 minutes. The acidity will help relieve itching, and the smell is great for a soothing and calming sensation

Baking soda- easily dissolvable in your bath water and soak for around 30 minutes.

Witch hazel- A mixture made out of hazel and baking soda. This can be applied directly to the bit to help with swelling.

And lastly, hot and cold therapies are very beneficial. A recent study published in the Scientific American Journal recommends using an ice pack the place on mosquito bites instead of analgesics. However, those that prefer heat therapy over cold therapy suggest applying heat to the spot to relieve the itchiness by applying a heated spoon under hot tap water for around a minute and a half to heat the metal. Then apply the heated spoon directly to the area, but be sure that it is not overheated to wear it would scald, hurt, or burn the person that encountered the mosquito bite.

Regardless of which way you decide to handle your mosquito bites please do bear in mind the necessity of it. With many people losing their lives due to mosquito-borne illnesses, this is no laughing or joking matter. Remember to dress wisely, keep the list of natural remedies on hand and use common sense when performing hot and cold therapies. We all want to enjoy the beautiful summer weather, and maybe you can now that you know these better ways to avoid mosquitoes!


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