7 Easy Ways to Shrink Your Ovarian Cysts Naturally

Ovarian cysts are a very common occurrence, especially in the more recent years. Many people seek out medications and surgeries as treatment methods, but the best way is a more holistic approach.

What are they?

Ovarian cysts are an issue that occurs in the female reproductive system; it is characterized by a fluid-filled sac on the ovary. The cause varies, but it includes; irregular cycles, hormonal Imbalance, and hypothyroidism. Some people experience little to no symptoms of the ailment at all while other can undergo sever indications including nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness, pain, and frequent urination.

Natural Prevention and Remedies:

Treating ovarian cysts require a balanced approach that works to equalize hormones and diminish contributing factors.

Avoid things like:

Soy products

Soy is horrific for the body; Soy contains a compound that mimics estrogen, creating a hormonal imbalance.


Plastic food containers contain chemicals known as xenoestrogen when a person heats or stores food in them the chemicals get released into the food causing problems in the body. The same goes for plastic water bottles.


Parabens are found in many skin and beauty products. When you apply parabens directly onto the skin, it allows the body to absorb the parabens and skip the metabolic process.

Natural Remedies:

Natural Progestone cream- this cream helps to reduce the increased levels of estrogen and diminish the chances of ovarian cysts forming. The cream should be applied between the tenth and 28th day of the menstrual cycle for a minimum of three months.

Eat only organic animal proteins if you have to eat them at all. When you consume the organic versions, you skip the chemical additives that can raise estrogen levels and promote the growth of cysts.

Skip the conventional laundry detergent. There are many wonderful natural laundry detergents on the market that do not contain xenoestrogen chemicals.

Herbs- Using herbs like Maca root, black cohosh root, milk thistle seed, and yarrow can help support a proper menstrual cycle, reduce ovarian pain, and increase circulation of the reproductive organs.

source :http://organichealth.co

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